General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

What Australian Businesses need to Identify?


•. Seek advice from Cybernetic Global Intelligence (CISO) If GDPR applies to your business;

•. Cybernetic Global Intelligence CISO will help you to familiarise yourself with the requirements for GDPR and CGI CISO can help you with GDPR compliance advice to ensure you have an in-depth understanding of these requirements for your organization.

•. CGI Cyber GDPR security team can evaluate your business and organizational structures and advise on the measures required relating to handling and collection of personal data.

Our GDPR Cyber Experts can provide you with all the support required for your business with the following services to ensure your business meets the following requirements for APP & GDPR regulations.

•. Compliance with Privacy Act APP and GDPR regulations for EU.

•. Conduct Privacy Gap & Impact Analysis.

•. Review Privacy Policies in ensuring they are compliant with APP and GDPR regulations for PII data storage.

•. Compliant with Data breach response and reporting capabilities as per the APP and GDPR regulations.

•. Effectiveness of response teams within your organization should a Breach occur within your Organization.

•. Reviewing current Policies and Frameworks in ensuring they are aligned with the requirements for APP & EU GDPR.

Cybernetic Global Intelligence GDPR cyber experts are at the very top of their field when it comes to APP and GDPR Compliance. Our cybersecurity experts have an in-depth understanding of APP & GDPR regulations and implementation requirements to ensure companies are compliant to APP and GDPR regulations.

CGI GDPR cyber experts conduct assessments on current operational networks, access and identify any potential threats when conducting risk assessments for your organization.

CGI GDPR Cyber experts will also test all current implemented security controls within your business, identify any existing gaps or vulnerabilities which may currently exist within the organization’s information systems.

CGI GDPR cyber teams are the “core of assessing and implementing  APP and GDPR policies and procedures for any organization that wants to ensure their systems are compliant with APP and GDPR regulations and assure their clients and customers of their compliance.

Our GDPR experts have helped companies by evaluating their business organizational infrastructure relating to handling and collection of personal data updated policies and procedures in ensuring Australian Businesses meet the requirements for APP and GDPR Regulations.

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